Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The PA Arabs Real Motives Have Been Revealed!

There really are some advantages to reading Al Jazeera, it really lets you see what your enemies true motive are.

Olmert has made a condition for the upcoming summit in Annapolis.

The Arabs have to accept a Jewish state.

I mean what do the Arabs have to do in whatever agreement is going to be made? Let's pretend that G-d didn't run the world for a second, Olmert is offering to give the Arabs half of Yerushalayim, and all of Judea & Samaria. They are offering to accept and help with the creation of an Arab state in the heartland of Israel.

What do the Arabs have to do?

Well, it hasn't been discussed as much as what the Jews will have to give up, but I'd imagine that it's along the lines of previous agreements, stop terror activities, (but the definition "terrorists" is never defined. When was the last time you heard the head of a country or news reporter refer to suicide bombings as "terror attacks?") arrest terrorists, and other aspects of, you know, creating a functioning, thriving society?

Israel has to evacuate hundreds of thousands of Jews who live in the Israel's heartland, and will probably supply this theoretical country with water, electricity, food, other staples so "international war crime" is not thrown at Israel (which it probably would anyway).

Well I'd imagine that this attempt will breed about the same results as other's have. Namely Israel will agree to every single part of its agreement while the Arab leaders take all of the money that has been given to them by the international community, and pocket in their Swiss bank accounts. What hasn't been pocketed will go into buying weapons to shoot at Jews.

So given that history is repeating itself, why should the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state? They'll just deny it and they'll still get everything they want.

Olmert's condition threatens to undermine a US-hosted Middle East conference later this month.

Really?! The condition, which is nothing more than a simply saying empty words in Annapolis is what will "undermine the US-Hosted Middle East conference"?!

You know what this means right? As soon as the Arabs which up until this time have only been pushing for the West Bank, will, after they get it, want the rest of Israel.

Differences over the issue emerged this week when Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian negotiator, said Palestinians would not accept Israel as a "Jewish state".

This assertion is seen by critics as a way for Olmert to argue against a return of refugees in a final deal.

I hope that's not Olmert's reason for making the Arabs comply with is demands. I would think that, as the Prime Minister of Israel, he'd have the common sense to see that 7 million Arabs coming into the country would destroy it.

"We do not accept conditions of this type, not at all," Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian prime minister, told Al-Arabiya television.
Of course because if they do accept Israel as a Jewish state they'd have to (horrors) have to admit that the Jews actually belong in the Land of Israel!

Meanwhile is bending over backwards to try to appease these terrorists. I don't agree with what they're doing, but they are doing it. I don't see any Arab countries saying, "Well we've played this whole "Palestinian" game long enough, I guess we should open out borders to allow them to return to their native lands."

An Israeli spokesperson refused to comment.
Now on a side note I've always wondered, from a journalistic ethics perspective, is this ethical? Couldn't anyone put something along the lines of "A un-named commander in the military told me that Canada is planning an invasion of Japan?" There's no way to check statements like these.

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