Friday, December 21, 2007

Adventure at the Israeli Embassy-Part 2

Well I got to the embassy a little bit later then I did on the previous time I'd gone, this meant I had to wait in a longer line at security, and then at longer line at "The Window."

So as I was standing there (for 2 hours and only 6 people in front of me) I once again got into some interesting conversation's with the people there including an American (non-Jewish) teenager who wanted absolutely nothing to do with me and a man from India who worked for the American Embassy and for the New Israeli Fund.

So after about an hour and 45 minutes I finally made it to "The Window," and presented the additional documentation to be added to my file.

There was just one problem.

They couldn't find my file!

Somehow my file had been misplaced in the clutter they called an office. So I took it in stride and asked what I needed to do to to replace whatever was in the file. It turned out not much. I had to go back to my high school and get a letter with the dates I was in HS, and there were two forms I had to fill out.

The good news is that this should be the last trip I have to make to Washington, I can email the rest to them.
Then with G-d's help I get stuff moving at the Aliyah Center and Nefesh B'Nefesh and I move to Israel!

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