Friday, March 16, 2007


Hi! I'm trying to fix the world! OK OK, you probably want to know something about me. I've decided to (at least for now) to remain anonymous, but I can give you some basics. I'm a frum Jew living (at the moment, I'll explain later) in an undisclosed location on the east coast of the United States.

I'll be honest, I don't want to be here.

By the title of my blog you can probably guess what my ultimate goal is. With all of the problems facing every corner of society, it sometimes is a breath of fresh air to hear a different point of view.

I am an Israeli through some strange bureaucratic law that probably was left over from the Turks (I blame everything on the Turks by the way). But I'm proud to say that I am an Israeli, but first and foremost, before I'm an Israeli, before I'm America, I am a Jew. I am proud to be a Jew and I am proud of my homeland. Obviously there are a million things about Israel that are messed up (is that politically correct?), but I love the fact that it exists and that I have an Israel to (right now) visit. I will (please G-d) be making Aliyah between sometime between next summer and June 2009, but for right now I'm stuck in America.

Now I'm going to talk about this 'peace in the Middle East' issue. I know that it's been said that if Israel goes back to the '67 borders that this will bring a magical 'peace' to the area.
That's B*******************(alony)!
The Arabs want Israel to be destroyed and they are using the ploy of the '67 borders to push their agenda. The PLO was founded in 1964, 3 years before 1967. They were founded to liberate 'Palestine,' if the '67 border are 'Palestine' they there should have been no reason for the PLO to be formed because Yesha was in the hands of the Arabs when it was founded.
Not that I have any animosity towards the Arabs, I'm sure there are many wonderful people in that 'group' but their government is something that really need work.
This gives you a pretty good idea of where I stand in the world. Be prepared for some shocking news, alternative opinions, and a little thing I like to call 'the truth.'

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