Sunday, April 29, 2007

Iyar is a Good Month

I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a big day in Israeli politics. Tomorrow we will finally know for sure that the Olmert administration screwed up big time in the war this past summer. Of course, I was saying this last year (but who listens to me?).
This is the month of Iyar, a big month on the Hebrew calender. A cool trick with the word 'Iyar' the word in Hebrew can be broken down from its letters and they stand for Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaacov, and Rachel.
But this Iyar is unique, unlike any Iyar we've had in the past
This Iyar is will mark the 40th year since the 1967 war in which we, the Jews, finally took back the Temple Mount that had been out of our hands for 1900 years.
The number 40 is significant in the Jewish tradition as a special mystical number. For example, the Jews wondered the the desert for 40 years and it rained for 40 day and 40 nights during the time of Noach.
Back in November of last year, Tovia Singer said to watch this month, and watch specifically the week of the 26th day of Iyar (which is May 14th this year), which is exactly 40 days from the start of the 6-day War.
I'm starting to see some hints now of what's to come, and I'm really hopeful that this will be a good month for the Jewish people.
I hope to see the end of the Olmert government, which is very likely given that the Winograd Commission comes out tomorrow and Bibi Netanyahu is now going on a rampage to bring down the Olmert government (I love his campaign line, 'You've failed, go home!)
Please G-d let this be the end of all of the Jewish people's problems bring Mashicach as fast as possible, WE NEED HIM!

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