Monday, June 18, 2007

For some, It's An Irrelevent Headline, but for me. . .


My first reaction was "here we go again."

Last summer was an extremely tense time for me. I was stuck in America and had to watch day after day as the reports continued coming in that rockets were falling in northern Israel. In places I had visited in as little as 4 months earlier.
I davened, wrote to the various organizations that were giving out names of the soldiers to learn for. And I hated myself for being in America.
An Arab news source has announced that Syria is ready to go to war with Israel.
I really don't need that, to be stuck in America while I watch bothers being killed defending the land that I love. I need to go to Israel. I'm sick and tired of sitting in America day after day listening to all of the issues that people are having that are really irrelevant.
Like one tabloid I saw in a grocery store, that had a front page question "Who has the best beach body? You Choose."




I need to have meaning in my life. Thank G-d I still have Torah otherwise I'd be completely lost. But I still need that connection with the land. This past Shabbos my Yeshiva had an alumni Shabbaton and I'd forgotten how high I could go. Rebbeim from the yeshiva bringing a little bit of that Kedusha here to a very un-Kedushaic environment. You just can't get that level by yourself in America. I need Israel. Eretz Yisrael. The Holyland. The HOMELAND!

1 comment:

x said...

It's a good thing to take on extra learning or to add a little extra energy to mitzvos and tefilla when Eretz Yisrael is in danger. I'm trying to find something I can commit to doing along those lines thats really good. On a separate note, I went to college orientation yesterday and was freshly reminded of how much I hate American education/programming. They tell you that they're 'freeing your mind' when in fact they're merely convincing you to enter their narrow mindsets of self-inflicted confusion and fear. Questioning everything is good. Not allowing yourself to have answers is bad. Power to the Jewish People

--Yaakov (

(I think)