Thursday, June 21, 2007

You Want to Boycott Israel? Be My Guest, but be a Man About It.

The British are boycotting Israel.

Whoop Dee do.

This pretty much translates into, "We're going to hold conferences about the "occupation" and refuse to buy Israeli produced goods.

In related news, Apple has announced it's new innovative iPhone will reach stores next week.

Go Figure.

What I want to say to these people who feel all high and mighty with their bold statements against the Jewish State, is that if they really felt the way they did about the Israel and they really wanted to boycott all of it's products, they would have to give more than they are probably willing to.

Case in point, it is because of Israel that I am able to bring these words to your computer screen. Intel, since the creation of its Pentium 4, has designed, manufactured and produced all of its Pentium microprocessors in Israel.
Last summer while rockets were falling on an underground bomb shelter in Haifa, Intel announced its new chip, the Intel Core 2 Duo.
So if these people would be real men about boycotting Israel, they wouldn't use any computer with and Intel chip in it, and that includes all of Apple's Macs.

A short list of other things that Israel has had a major hand in bringing to the world:
Cell phones
Windows (the computer kind)
The current method of airport security that's used worldwide (including Britain).
Many breakthrough medical advances, such as therapies for post-traumatic stress disorder, cancer, and Parkinson's disease. Michael Fox is turning to Israel to help him with his illness.

So if these people had any sense of pride about their anti-Israelness, they'd throw away their cell phones, stop traveling by plane, stop using the computer, and refuse medical treatment.

But no, they're a bunch of wimps who only want to be anti whatever is convenient for them.

I actually really wish they grow up and start doing some of the advice listed above. This will result in Pro-Israel people taking over the world! (Sadistic laugh).

But seriously, I think it's sad how little these boycotter's really know about Israel. Most of them have been indoctrinated by their professors and other students (Mohammad is today one of the most popular names in Britain, go figure). If they really knew what Israel was about, if they really understood what Israel has done to make everyone else's life a little easier, they'd be a little more grateful.

Oh, and another thing. My car mechanic is Israeli, so I guess they'd have to stop using their cars as well.

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