Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Please Remove Me from your email list

Whew! I didn't even realize it, we've past post #100!

I wrote about a month ago on this guy in my shul who didn't like the Good Shabbos messages I sent out in my email notifying that the shul newsletter for the week had been posted online. I decided to not respond to his email and the next week I sent an email specifically with him in mind, with a Bracha that we should notice the blessings that we get every single day.

He then sent me an email asking for me to remove him from the shul mailing list. I very politely sent him an email telling how to do it himself.

My question is why didn't he just go to the shul website and unsibscribe from the mailing list himself? Well it's quite simple really, he wanted to me to know how much he was upset by this. In reality I don't care. He has an issue (this has not been the first time he and I haven't seen eye to eye on certain issues) and he has to work on it, I asked a Rabbi if there was anything else I could of done, and I can't see any.

But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to talk about Pastor Joel Hunter and Jeremy Gimpel.
For those of you who don't know, one of the people I really look up to is Jeremy Gimpel. He is doing something for the Jewish people that, as far as I know, no one else in the Jewish world is doing, he's reaching out to the Christians.
Most of use Jews when we hear the word 'Christian,' we immediately go on the defensive, because of our experience with missionaries. Jeremy is reaching out to all of the other Christians and he sees them not as enemies, but as allies in the war against radical Islam.

Anyways, Pastor Joel Hunter is a pastor in a Church in Orlando FL, and he has Jeremy and his partner Ari Abramowitz, up in arms.
Pastor Hunter is an advocate for a Palestinian State.

Read previous posts on my blog to see my stance on that, but what's really shocking is that he's doing it in a rather cowardly way. He didn't tell anyone in his congregation about it, he wouldn't go on Ari & Jeremy's show, and . . . Well that's a whole other paragraph.

Mr. Hunter finally agreed to do a debate with Jeremy, on his own terms. . .on NPR.
NPR wasn't able to host the debate, so Hunter then chose the BBC.

Now both of the above radio stations have a bias against Israel, and it showed when the debate between Hunter and Jeremy took place.

I'll admit that I have not heard the debate, and that's because the BBC didn't release it. They didn't even release it to Jeremy like they promised. Instead they aired a condensed version of it which consisted of Hunter talking for 4 minutes, and Jeremy getting in about 15 words before the cut him off in the editing.

Fine, balanced journalism.

Anyways, what does this have to do with the above story?

I found a blog called Tzemach, on which they had an interview with Jeremy. It is a Christian website, and when scrolling down to look at the comments, this is the first one I found:


The cornerstone is Jesus, not the Tanak, not the Torah. Old Covenant Israel rejected the Messiah. Your are advocating a dispensational understanding of Israel, which is nonsense. The modern state of Israel was created by Zionists, and Zionism has nothing in common with Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Please remove me from your email list.

Ahh, the magical "Please remove me from your email list."

Anyways these are Christians, so I don't follow anything that they hold religiously, but it is because of the Christians and the United States that we have a State of Israel today (well obviously it's the hand of G-d, but he's using them as his tool), and I can't knock them for that, even it some of them feel that the Jews are 'occupiers,' and 'settlers.'

Rabbi Ken Spiro said the reason that the beginning of the Torah talks about Abraham and the initial dwelling of the Jews in Israel, and not at the first Mitzvah, is for this very reason. To show that we were there first.

So United Nations, Jimmy Carter, Pastor Hunter, and Shmuel. We've got G-d on out side while you have the power of man, and history shows that all men who try to destroy the Jewish people and therefore try to destroy G-d, in the end get destroyed themselves. I encourage you to choose the right side before it's too late.


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