Wednesday, May 16, 2007

American Jews? tut, tut, tut

Rockets are continuing to fall in Israel and there have some serious injuries from them the past few day. I feel really guilty here in America, here I am sitting at my computer writing without any fear of being shot at. Why is the world silent about this!? More importantly why are the Jewish people silent about this? Why is every Rabbi in every shul in America not getting in front of their congregation and demanding that we as American Jews should be organizing donations, rallies, SOMETHING! American Jews really disgust me, everyday I pass by a shul that is in the middle of building an enormous simcha hall, apperently when it's finished, it will be the biggest in the area. Every time I drive by there all I can think is why they don't put a big sign out front with big letters saying "GALUS WE LOVE IT HERE." I've said it before, and I'm going to continue saying it until every Jew in America is planning to move to Israel. I understand that there are some people who can't manage it at the moment, but everything that they do should go with the question "Is thus getting me closer, or further away from Israel?" I do it every day with everything I do. What really kicks me is the whole idea of 'there's no chiyuv because Mashiach's not here, blah, blah, blah."
If they start rounding up Jews and putting them in cattle cars like the did 65 years ago will it be the right time then? And even if Mashiach comes, it's not like he's going to appear and we're all going to magically float to Israel and have a house set up, and a community and know how to do things there. There will be an adjustment period, just like there is today when one makes Aliyah, but the difference between someone who makes Aliyah today, and someone who's "waiting for "Mashiach" is that one is being proactive and saying, "G-d, I'm going to make a sacrifice and I'm willing to suffer if it means securing the future of the Jewish people and getting closer to you," while the other says, "This is the place I am because of the decision of my parents, this is my native homeland, I don't see why I should suffer in any way in moving to foreign country."

On the other hand there are a lot of people who simply are never exposed to the idea that Jews belong in Israel. Period. As well as non-religious Jews who don't know anything about Judaism. So (I've heard this one before) Rabbi's have to stay behind to be able collect everyone, right?
Think about it, who will most likely bring other people on Aliyah with them? I'm give you three guesses. If a Rabbi of a shul, especially a shul in which the Rabbi is really loved, decided to make Aliyah, how much of the congregation is likely to follow? Depending on the situation I would guess that 5% would go with him and between 15%-40& would come over the following years.
There are more then 500 people in some communities, that's between 75 and 200 olim. How awesome would it be for there to be a Nefesh B'Nefesh flight that's all from one shul? I think that if one shul in America could pull that off, more would follow. Nefesh B'Nefesh made aliyah history, and it's time to do it again. If an major Aliyah Revolution of this caliber would happen the non-religious Jews would ask themselves why all of the religious Jews were moving to Israel. This would then lead to a large number of them making Aliyah.
But there will definitely be people who will say that they are comfortable in America and stay. An those people will be in big trouble. Why? Because during makah of Chosech, darkness, all of the Jews who to comfortable in Egypt and unwilling to leave, were killed by G-d. I'm really afraid for these people and I wish there was someway to help them. People attack me for being pro-aliyah, they don't realize that I'm not doing this to make their miserable, I'm doing this because I love them I just want the best for them and the Jewish people.

When there is no more Jewish life in America, the other variable that is killing the Jewish demographic in Israel, Yiridah, will end. A secular Israeli sees a very frum looking Jew in Boro Park or Baltimore, and says "Hey he's a Jews and he's living a better Jewish life then I am in the Exile. He also has very comfortable and is living in the 'land of oppurtunity.' If he, a frum Jews, can do it, why can't I leave Israel?" And another Jew is lost.

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