Sunday, July 1, 2007

Anti-Semetism is Now an Academic Endeavor

Don't you just love how much the world hates Israel and the Jews? Anti-Semetism has been the driving force in the world since the Jews were thrown out of Israel 2000 years ago. But of course, according to "Palestinian Historians" we are a relatively new entity in the area.
I was watching a "documentary" on the "The History of Palestine" somewhere in YouTube, (if I find it again I'll post it) that said the Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites, and the Moabits, and Philistines and. yes, oh yes, the
Hebrews. They made this statement without any sign that there might be a chance in Hell that they were wrong. I found it interesting that they didn't mention the word Arab anywhere in there. A poll was conducted at the Columbia School of Journalism (that's Columbia as in Columbia University) and over 80% of the students didn't know that Palestinians were Arabs.

Now we know why.

The best part of the "duckumentory" (not a typo) was when they start describing the Jews history. "Jews
claim that there are the descendants of the Hebrews."

Hmmm, something is a little bit off here. Aren't
we the Hebrews, and aren't they Arabs that are decendents of the people who lived in the Arab Peninsula? They like to distort history. . .

Of course the big thing in the past few weeks that have been popping up on all sort of anti-Israel websites and blogs have been the big, bad headlines of FORTY YEARS OF "OCCUPATION."
I went to the big rally they had in Washington and I couldn't help wondering if there really cared about the oppressed "Palestinians" or if they just wanted to bash Israel.
This was a legitimate question as the headline that morning on both Arutz Sheva and Al Jezeera were related to the hundreds of Palestinians that were being slaughtered in Lebanon. I don't here a lot of "Stop the persecution of Palestinians in Lebanon."
Just a thought.

But regarding this whole "40 years of occupation" thing, Marty Roberts put it very well, the only way that this claim is even legitimate is if you ignore certain parts of history. During the 3 weeks leading up to the 6 Day War, there was a whole series of events that lead up to it. It wasn't that one morning, the Leaders of Israel woke up and said, "Hmmm, lets start conquering land so we can oppress our Arab neighbors."
At the time the West Bank was being occupied by Jordan and Gaza was being occupied by Egypt. Were there any rallies protesting the "illegal occupation and oppression of Palestinians on Palestinian land?" I don't know I wasn't born yet, but I am able to look at history books, something that a lot of Palestinians and other Arabs are not able to do because their governments won't let them.
So anyways, history. Three weeks before the Six-Day War, Nasser pulled the UN Peace keeping force out of the Sinai. They had been stationed there to stop any hostilities between Israel and Egypt.
One has to ask the question, if UN Peace Keeping forces purpose was to stop violence, why did they leave as soon as Egypt told them to. And why did they say and do nothing when Egyptian troops station them selves on Israel's border?
Of course we know how useful the UN Peace keeping forces are, by looking at what's going on in Lebanon right now, with all of the arms smuggling that's crossing the border.

Of course this led to the Egyptians stopping all shipping to the port of Eilat, which I believe is a war crime. After about a week of this and the International community doing absolutely nothing about it, they decided the take a preemptive strike against Egypt in order to stop a massacre of their, at that time, very small country (which still isn't very big).

Now is where the Left-wing version of history starts. Ignore the advance of Egyptian forces on the Israeli border, ignore the shipping being halted. Now we can see who the real culprit is. . . Israel! We knew those Jews were up to no good. They're just making an excuse to steal Arab land.

So anyways how did the West Bank fall into Israel's hands if the attack came from the south, not from the East. Well after the attack against the Egyptians, Syria decided that
they wanted to attack Israel too.

Jordan had also been baring its teeth and it was told by Israel to stay out of the fighting. They didn't want to have to kick their butt as well.

Well we know what happened, Jordan couldn't keep out and started firing rockets into Jewish Jerusalem. And Israel fought back and we were given the gift of Biblical Israel, as I like to call it, with all of the holy Jewish cities from Tanach, like Hevron, Beit El, Kever Rachel, and of course the Kotel and Har HaBayit.

Yep the brutal Israeli's are at it again, stealing Palestinian land, but this isn't the first time we have been behind plots to take over the world. At one point in history we stole non-Jewish children and baked their blood into out Matzahs, and the claims that we control the worlds banks, or how we are always trying to overthrow the governments of every single one of the countries we live in. (That was supposed to be sarcastic by the way)

The only difference between then and now is the type of people who are doing the accusing. Bernard Goldberg in his book "Crazies to the Left of me, Wimps to the Right," points out that it used to be the Conservatives that were Anti-Semites. The Liberals were the ones that always wanted equality. They still claim to want equality, put for my points disproving that, see the last 16 paragraphs of this post.

But what's happened now is that, instead of plotting to destroy the Jews in underground basements by people who like to wear white, pointed hoods, it has turned into a subject that can be pursued academically. This is why it is so dangerous.

Anti-Semites claim that they have nothing against Jews, just Zionism. Sorry, Zionism, according to Rabbi Shraga Simmons, means "the belief that the Jewish people should have their own country in their historical homeland, promised to Abraham 4,000 years ago, and with Jerusalem as its capital." So Zionism refers to Jews living in Israel, and Jews alone. Take that Neturie Karta!
Any Jew who follows the Torah knows this, the only question is whether we should have this now or if we have to wait for Mashiach (but that's for a different post).

So now Anti-Semetism is an academic endeavor. And it all starts with ignoring a few details from history.

1 comment:

x said...

I think that there is an occupation and it should be ended. We should do so by just finishing the conquering of the west bank and gaza and send all those arabs to our good buddies in jordan, saudi arabia and egypt. See how they like 'em....