Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Wea Justa Wanteda toa Taka Soma Picturesa"

OK, this one I love! After being kidnapped 2 years ago by Arab terrorists Sabrina the lion (that's right a LION) has been reunited with her brother Sakher.

Arab lions, that are being kidnapped by Arabs.

What's the world coming to?

Apparently this lion was stolen 2 years ago and now that's it's been returned the vets have reported that she's missing claws and teeth. "Oh, it is jussst lika de Israelis who do da sam ting to our poor chuildren."

I found this story hilarious. Of all the things. . .

So apparently this lion has been put on display and the terrorists (or the BBC calls them, really high-pitched Britsh woman's voice, "militants) were charging 5 Shekels to be able to get you picture taken with it!

5 Shekels is like the monthly pay the average Arab. The only ones who make more are the ones who go into Israel to work.

That's my (very short) rant for today.

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