Friday, July 27, 2007

This makes me sick

Please go to this page and look at the absolutely disgusting thing that is about to take place in Germany. 100 years ago the Jews of Berlin proclaimed that "Berlin is the new Jerusalem." More recently they have been actively DE-moting aliyah.

Now they've come up with a new thing to embarrass the Jewish people. They are spending over eight million dollars to create a replica of the Kotel in Berlin. Eight million that obviously could be used for more productive things, but it is their money. But that's not the worst part.

On Wedensday Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal told AP that the goal of creating this replica was "a symbolic part of making Berlin a central hub of Jewish life again."

Rabbi Teichtal is the grandson of HaRav Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal, author of Eim Habanim Smeicha, a sefer that talks about the importance of Aliyah to Berlin, whoops, I mean Israel. And here is his grandson who is trying to make Germany the "central hub of Jewish life again."

It's sick. Germany, like everyother place the Jews have ever been comfortable has of course done one of the worst crimes to the Jewish people in recent memory. Uh. . . does the Holocaust come to mind? And here are the Jews of Germany, who haven't got it yet. I understand if you want to live in Chutz L'Aretz, I understand if the tivah to make a good living is too strong, or if you don't have enough Bitachon to make the move. But don't replace Israel.

And of all things this announcment comes a day after Tisha B'Av, which is a time to mourn the loss of the Beit Hamikdash, and for some reason, watch movies about the Holocaust.

Hopefully the Jews of Germany will come to their senses, and won't have to wait for another Holocaust to happen before Mashiach comes.

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