Sunday, July 8, 2007

Good News! You no longer actually have to live in Israel to get all the Mizvot of living there!

So apparently Eretz Yisrael is for sale. . . to Jews who live outside of it! That's right, it is no longer necessary to actually live IN Israel to be able to reap the spiritual benefits of settling the land. Plots of of the land can be bought for as little as $50 and a Jew who lives in the Exile can PAY another Jew to do the Mitzvah of settling the land for them.

This was what an article in this past week's Mishpacha was boasting. To tell you the truth, it makes me sick. COME TO ISRAEL AND SETTLE THE LAND YOURSELF! We as Jews have a deep connection to the land no matter what the Left Wing Whackos want to tell you, but we're not helping out case by "virtually" settling the land of Israel. If we don't come Home and settle our own land, and put our blood and sweat into the earth, there are plenty of people out there who would be more than willing to come, take the land, and do it for us.

The time of the Galus Jew is coming to an end. The only places left with large numbers of Jews are Western countries, and the number of Jews in these countries are rapidly diminishing. The majority of Jews now live in Israel. THE FUTURE IS IN ISRAEL! NOT AMERICA, NOT BRITAIN, NOT CANADA, NOT AUSTRALIA! ISRAEL!!

It's rather disturbing when I hear for Palestinian sympathizers that we should give them back their land, because, hey, we're not moving there, why did we have to kick this fictional group of people out?
Unfortunately he has a point.

But maybe this isn't true. We are at a unique point in history, a point where every single Jew is able to move the land that he's (hopefully) been praying for his whole life.

In fact this summer will have the highest number of North American olim EVER! The great organization Nefesh B'Nefesh will be bringing TEN plane loads of Jews, most from nice suburban homes and communities, home to Israel.

I have a date, do you?

I'm aware that I'm starting to get some serious readers from Israel as well as in the US (someone from India even managed to find his way to my blog). PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! I want to get to know everyone!

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