Monday, July 16, 2007

OK, now I think he's REALLY gone insane!

I am now thoroughly convinced that George Bush is an idiot. Some of the idiotic statements he made in a speech yesterday:

"Israel should be confident that the United States will never abandon its commitment to the security of Israel as a Jewish state and a homeland for the Jewish people."

"The establishment of a Palestinian State."

It is impossible for these two statements to co-exist. The day a Palestinian state is created is the day that Israel loses its security and will lose its state. The should be quite obvious to anyone with half a brain in their head. Follow history, just in the past 7 years.

Example #1: Israel pulls out of Lebanon. Six years later Hezbullah fires 4000 rockets into Israel. Hezbullah are Palesinian Arabs

Example #2: Israel pulls out of Gaza. As soon as Arabs move in they start firing rockets into Israel. Gaza is made up of Palestinian Arabs

Example #3: Oslo. Israel puts 90% of the West Bank into Arab controlled hands. This leads to an easy border for Arabs to get into the rest of Israel and they proceed to kill Jews, by shooting at them or through suicide bombings. West Bank is full of Palestinian Arabs.

So what is George Bush's "brilliant" idea to have Israel and the "Palestinian people" finally get peace?

Give them all of the West Bank!

The worst part is that this is a man Olmert looks up to. "Yes Mr. President, I'll do anything you ask. West Bank? No problem? All of Israel? Sure. My first born son who's never served in the army and doesn't even live in the country that I govern? Please.

Bush is repeating all of the things that Oslo tried to bring. Oslo DIDN'T WORK! Get your super large Texan face out of your tush and listen to the logic! Israel will never be safe if the existence of a Palestinian state is created out of the land of Israel.

Why don't you ask your good buddies in Saudi Arabia to give them a state? They have lots of open room that they're not using.
The Arab-Israel conflict is not about land. It's about the destruction of Israel. The "Palestinian people" were created to pressure Israel to slowly give away, piece by peace, its entire country.

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