Tuesday, August 7, 2007

On the East Coast the Day's Hardly Started

It was quite a shock opening up Arutz Sheva this morning. The headline story was the NBN flight that landed on Tuesday in Israel welcoming 210 more Jews home.

Unfortunately, it also had the conclusion to the heroic efforts of the IDF. For those of you who don't know, the IDF was ordered to throw more Jews out of their homes yesterday, this time it wad two families in Hevron. I say heroic because that's what it was, 30 IDF soldiers refused to carry out their orders and throw Jews out of their homes. It was incredible to see how fast the government responded to this insubordination. By Monday night, they ha d already been tried and convicted. They are confined to their base for 28 days, are facing a monetary fine, and are restricted from serving in combat units.
The follow-up story was the government finishing their expulsion of the Jews from their homes without these soldiers help.

The next story was how Olmert is trying to speed up the creation of a Palestinian State. This guys insane. The creation of another Arab state will only result in a larger version of Gaza. Why do they think that it's going to work this time. The moment that happens, it's only a matter of time before Israel is destroyed. I just gotta remember that everything is in G-d's hands.

The next story was a sad/funny story. The story is sad, but the circumstances are funny. Sometimes rockets fired from Gaza into Israel fall short and land in Gaza. Two Arab children found the rocket and were killed while playing with it. It's sad that two children had to die, but sometimes justice has to be served, even if the government refuses to do so.

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