Friday, August 31, 2007

A Video Game That Lets You be a Terrorist

Hezbollah has just released a video game that allows the player to take on the role of a terrorist in his quest to kill Jews. This is a clip from You Tube, but as disturbing the video is, I thought I should post some of the comments other people have left on this video

Awesome 4 war against zionists

Iran have made a new pc combat can fight against Americans.Love it

Hey, anyone know where one can download this game? It seems like the only games we can get in the U.S. are games where you kill Arabs or other Whites (WWII) on behalf of jews. Kind of similar to America's selection of military conflicts since 1940.

where do we get it

1 comment:

x said...

oh no! Those comments are direct and unavoidable proof that there is prevalent anti-judaism in the western world! quick! heres a shovel! let's bury our heads in the sand before someone shows us that CNN propaganda or the walt-mearshimer paper! Lalalalalalaaaaa America loves all people! Jew's are safe here!

The internet is a major medium of popular and underground opinions and you will be hard pressed to find any newspaper or forum anywhere that discusses anything related to Jewish people without there being a significant presence of anti-Judaism or at least confused people who've obviously been exposed to a lot of anti-Judaism. Even on zionist/Jewish websites you'll notice this anti-Judaic undercurrent.