Thursday, August 2, 2007

So anyways. . .

So regarding my Aliyah date. . .

I realized (after thorough research that took all of half an hour) that I can become certified by the end of the year in my field( still not sure if it's going to be E-Commerce or Accounting) then continue the rest of the degree online. So, I said to myself, if you're going to be finishing your degree online, why not do it in Israel.

So it came to be that I have started telling everyone that I will be making Aliyah next summer. A few people have asked me "are you ever going to come back to visit us," to which I replied," I'm going to live in Eretz Hakedosha, your staying in Shmutz L'Aretz, you can come visit me!"

So I've been thinking about when exactly I'll go. I have to wait until after March 8 (don't ask, long story, should get it's own posting) and I want to go on a Nefesh B' Nefesh flight. I had been thinking that I wanted my last Shabbos to be Parshat Shelach (you know, the parsha about the spies who told everyone E"Y was such a bad place), but that was when I had been thinking about 2009. In 2008 that week is in early June, for sure no NBN flights then. So then started going over the Daf Yomi schedule, and I discovered that we're going to finish mesechta Sotah on the 9th of Tammuz Parshat Balak, also a good parsha to end off on. Maybe the added oomf of the Siyam/Pre-Aliyah Shalosh Seudos that people in my shul usually do will inspire some more people to follow. Hey a guy can always hope can't he?

Once I get there, I still have to call my Rav but I don't think it'll be a problem, I hope to be a madrich in my Yeshiva for the first year while I'm going to ulpan. After that, we'll see.

So anyways I have a date. DO YOU??!!!

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