Friday, August 24, 2007

Why the Jews are Loosing

A story on Ynet today reported that Iran has shut down numerous barber shops that are offering styles that are too 'western.' The story said these barbershops offered western hairstyles, tattoos and even eyebrow plucking for men.

But the fact that a Muslim country is so strict on things based on their religion is something Israel can really pick up on. I think one of the main reasons we have such a falling out of Judaism in western countries is because the modern culture influences Jews to throw off the yoke of their ancestors and 'live freely.'

There's a reason that the Torah made these guidelines, they weren't put in place only when they were convenient, they're supposed to be an 'everlasting covenant.'

We mock the crazy things that the Muslims do, but the fact is the average Muslim has much more fear of G-d than the average Jew does.
Even religious Jews are included in this, I wrote in my post yesterday about a shul I davened in where G-d wasn't taken seriously at all. I'm sure that not everyone was like that, but the truth of the matter is that these people don't view a shul as a place to serve G-d, they view it as a place to socialize.
I don't know if this is true in Israel, but I would imagine that davening is taken much more seriously because most people actually know what they're saying. But still non-religious Jews in Israel all want 'to be like Mike,' IE they want to be like westerners as much as possible.

Good luck trying to get a cab in New York city around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. There's a good chance that the cab you're driving in at 5 will stop and the driver will pull out his rug and start praying, openly without any shame. You see Jews, when daven in public in America, trying to duck away in a corner, and stay out of everyone's way.
That's why we're loosing.
The Arabs get that this war is a spiritual war, that's why Jerusalem, Hevron, Shechem, and Kever Rachel are all considered "Palestinian towns." They know that without our religious places we are weak (or at least they think that).

We are going to win, the only question is how and when, in the meantime the only thing we can do is continue learning, davening, and turning as many Jews onto G-d and Torah as possible

Shabbat Shalom

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